
Russian Revolution during World War 1

  रूस की क्रांति-07/11/1917 source- wikimedia commons   सौ साल पहले एक ऐसी क्रांति हुई जिसका असर आज भी देखने को मिलता है। ये दुनिया की पहली ...

History of Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh

The founder of Bilaspur state was Raja  BIR CHAND  of Chandel Rajput family. He was the son of Raja of Chander  HARI CHAND . Bir Chand h...

History of Kangra Himachal Pradesh

Kangra  was the part of  Jalandhara  as in ancient time and was called  Trigarta  and this territory is drained by  3 rivers ( Sutlej, Ra...